Document Centre


Document Centre Results
#changesCGG (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Customer Service Charter (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
Climate Change Adaption Action Plan - Cover and Tabs (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
Climate Change Adaption Action Plan - Document (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
Community Trustees Report - IBM Smarter Cities Challenge - Enabling a Digital Economy and Carbon Neutral City (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
Designing Our City Forum Final Report (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
Geraldton Airport Master Plan 2012 - 2030 (27/02/2015) Council > Strategic
2029 and Beyond Prospectus (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Aboriginal Housing in Geraldton - The Historical and Policy Contexts (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Big Sky Big Ideas Festival 2010 - Final Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Community Directions and Key Themes 2011 (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Deliberative Community Survey and Forum Results - Final Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Geraldton Aboriginal Housing Action Plan (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Geraldton's Digital Future - An Analysis of Two Community Surveys (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Housing Supply and Access for Aboriginal People In Geraldton WA (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Small Steps Towards 2029 (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
The Geraldton Feel Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Water is Everything Summit - Post Summit Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
World Cafes - Final Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
World Cafes - Priorities for Action - Final Report (27/02/2015) Council > Reference
Deepdale - Deepdale Estate (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Deepdale - Lot 25 Horwood Road (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Geraldton - Batavia Coast Marina (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Glenfield - Glenfield District Activity Centre (Report) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Glenfield - Glenfield District Activity Centre (Plan Only) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Greenough - The Dunes - Westbank Estate (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Meru - Meru Development Investigation Area (Report) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Meru - Meru Development Investigation Area (Plan Only) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Moonyoonooka - Geraldton Airport (Report) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Moresby - Moresby Rural Residential (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Narngulu - Narngulu Industrial Estate Buffer Precinct D (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Rudds Gully - Rudds Gully Rural Residential (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Spalding - Strickland and Bedford Streets (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Utakarra - Utakarra East Rural Residential (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Utakarra - Utakarra West (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Waggrakine - Waggrakine Residential Estate (Plan only) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Waggrakine - Waggrakine Rural-Residential (Plan Only) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Waggrakine - Waggrakine Rural-Residential (Report) (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Wandina - Seacrest Estate (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Wandina - Wandina Estate (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Webberton - Koojarra Street (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Webberton - Webberton (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Wonthella - Wonthella Industrial (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Woorree - Geraldton Business Park (10/03/2015) Planning > Structure Plans
Heritage Impact Statement Guide (11/03/2015) Planning > Information Sheets
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2011
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2010
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2009
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2008
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2007
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2006
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2005
Wednesday, February 18, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, March 17, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Thursday, July 22, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Friday, July 30, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, August 18, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2004
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, March 19, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, April 16, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, May 21, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, July 16, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, August 20, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, November 19, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2003
Wednesday, February 20, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, May 15, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2002
Wednesday, February 21, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, March 21, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, April 18, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, May 16, 2001 (OCM) (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, May 16, 2001 (SCM) (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, June 20, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, July 18, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, August 15, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, September 19, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, October 17, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, November 21, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, December 19, 2001 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2001
Wednesday, February 16, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, March 15, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, April 19, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, May 17, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, June 21, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, August 16, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, September 20, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, October 18, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, November 15, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, December 20, 2000 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 2000
Wednesday, July 21, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Wednesday, August 18, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Wednesday, September 15, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Wednesday, October 20, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Wednesday, November 17, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Wednesday, December 15, 1999 (12/03/2015) Council > Council Meetings > Former Shire of Mullewa Meetings > 1999
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (18/03/2015) Council > Strategic
Welcome to the Yamaji Drive Trail Map (19/08/2015) General
2014-2015 Financial Statements City of Greater Geraldton (29/10/2015) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2014-2015 (29/10/2015) Council > Strategic
Glenfield - Glenfield Beach (Plan Only) (03/03/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Karloo - Karloo (Report) (21/03/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Moonyoonooka - Geraldton Airport (Plan Only) (21/03/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Moresby - Woorree New Town (Plan Only) (21/03/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Rudds Gully - Lots 13 and 14 Verita Road (Report) (21/03/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Development Application Submission Form (22/03/2016) Planning > Submission and Consultation Forms
Scheme Amendment Submission Form (29/03/2016) Planning > Submission and Consultation Forms
Bluff Point - Lot 500 Chapman Rd (Report) (03/05/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Bluff Point - Lot 500 Chapman Rd (Plan Only) (03/05/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
Walkaway - Evans Road (Plan Only) (14/06/2016) Planning > Structure Plans
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 13 July 2016 (13/07/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 13 July 2016 (13/07/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 21 September 2016 (21/09/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 21 September 2016 (21/09/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 26 October 2016 (26/10/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 26 October 2016 (26/10/2016) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2015-2016 (15/11/2016) Council > Strategic
Glenfield - Glenfield Beach Report (01/02/2017) Planning > Structure Plans
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 1 March 2017 (01/03/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 1 March 2017 (01/03/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 14 March 2017 (14/03/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 14 March 2017 (14/03/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
Talk about Greater Geraldton - November 2016 (03/05/2017) Talk about Greater Geraldton
Talk about Greater Geraldton - October 2016 (03/05/2017) Talk about Greater Geraldton
Talk about Greater Geraldton - July 2016 (03/05/2017) Talk about Greater Geraldton
Talk about Greater Geraldton - March 2017 (03/05/2017) Talk about Greater Geraldton
Talk about Greater Geraldton - May 2017 (03/05/2017) Talk about Greater Geraldton
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 June 2017 (12/06/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 June 2017 (12/06/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 26 September 2017 (26/09/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 26 September 2017 (26/09/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 (02/10/2017) Council > Strategic
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 4 October 2017 (04/10/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 4 October 2017 (04/10/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2016-2017 (31/10/2017) Council > Strategic
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 December 2017 (12/12/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 December 2017 (12/12/2017) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 1 February 2018 (01/02/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 1 February 2018 (01/02/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 February 2018 (12/02/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 February 2018 (12/02/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
Home Based Business Application Checklist (27/02/2018) Planning > Checklists
MINUTES Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 10 March 2018 (10/03/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 18 April 2018 {No agenda} (18/04/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 7 May 2018 (07/05/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 7 May 2018 (07/05/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2017-2021 - Addendum 26 June 2018 (26/06/2018) Council > Strategic
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 August 2018 (06/08/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 August 2018 (06/08/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 3 September 2018 (03/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 3 September 2018 (03/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 17 September 2018 (17/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 17 September 2018 (17/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 20 September 2018 (20/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 20 September 2018 (20/09/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 November 2018 (12/11/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 12 November 2018 (12/11/2018) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2017-2018 (27/11/2018) Council > Strategic
Office of the Auditor General – Procurement Audit – Significant Finding (18/01/2019) Council > Reference
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 11 February 2019 (11/02/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 11 February 2019 (11/02/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 13 February 2019 (13/02/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 13 February 2019 (13/02/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 11 March 2019 (11/03/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 11 March 2019 (11/03/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2017-2021 (27/03/2019) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Budget 2018-19 (26/04/2019) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Schedule of Fees and Charges 2018-19 (26/04/2019) Council
Statement of Objects and Reason 2019-20 (29/04/2019) General
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 16 May 2019 (16/05/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 16 May 2019 (16/05/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Schedule of Fees and Charges 2019-20 (01/07/2019) Council
VISUAL Exhibition Plan and Didactic Template (29/08/2019) General
Post Office Lane Lightbox Gallery Terms and Conditions (30/08/2019) General
City of Greater Geraldton Strategic Workforce Plan 2019-2022 (05/09/2019) Council > Strategic
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 9 September 2019 (09/09/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 9 September 2019 (09/09/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 11 September 2019 (11/09/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 11 September 2019 (11/09/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 17 October 2019 (17/10/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 17 October 2019 (17/10/2019) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
Annexure A - Apology (15/11/2019) General
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2018/2019 (17/12/2019) Council > Strategic
Geraldton Jobs and Growth Plan 2020-2023: Growing the capital of the Midwest (05/02/2020) Council > Strategic
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 10 February 2020 (10/02/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 10 February 2020 (10/02/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
Minutes - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee Meeting – 9 March 2020 (09/03/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 9 March 2020 (09/03/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 9 March 2020 (09/03/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Budget 2019-20 (04/05/2020) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Schedule of Fees and Charges 2019-20 (04/05/2020) Council
AGENDA Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 10 March 2020 (18/05/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 10 March 2020 (18/05/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 July 2020 (06/06/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
Minutes - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 17 June 2020 (17/06/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
Minutes - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 01 July 2020 (01/07/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
Agenda - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - Agenda - 01 July 2020 (01/07/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 July 2020 (06/07/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 7 September 2020 (07/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 7 September 2020 (07/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 8 September 2020 (08/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 8 September 2020 (08/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 9 September 2020 (09/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
Agenda - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 9 September 2020 (09/09/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 October 2020 (06/10/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
Audit Committee Meeting - Agenda and Minutes (12/10/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 3 November 2020 (03/11/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 3 November 2020 (03/11/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 8 December 2020 (08/12/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
Agenda - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee Meeting - 09 December 2020 (09/12/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee Meeting - 9 December 2020 (09/12/2020) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
Electoral Gift Register (21/12/2020) Council > Information
AGENDA - Audit Committee Meeting - 27 January 2021 (21/01/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA and MINUTES QEII Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 19 March 2020 (21/01/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Community Grants Committee - 8 December 2020 (02/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Community Grants Committee - 8 December 2020 (02/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Events Strategy 2020-2025 (03/02/2021) Council > Strategic
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee Meeting - 27 January 2021 (11/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA - Community Grants Committee - 10 February 2021 (12/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Community Grants Committee - 10 February 2021 (12/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 23 February 2021 (23/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 23 February 2021 (23/02/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2019/2020 (24/02/2021) Council > Strategic
MINUTES - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 6 October 2020 (02/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 9 March 2021 (09/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 17 March 2021 (17/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee Meeting - 23 March 2021 (23/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Community Grants Committee - 23 March 2021 (23/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Gallery Committee Meeting - 8 December 2020 (24/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 30 March 2021 (30/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 30 March 2021 (30/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Roadwise Committee Meeting - 31 March 2021 (31/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Roadwise Committee
MINUTES - QEII Seniors Advisory Committee - 17 March 2021 (31/03/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Schedule of Fees and Charges 2020-21 (28/04/2021) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Budget 2020-21 (28/04/2021) Council
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting -18 May 2021 (18/05/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 18 May 2021 (18/05/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Audit Committee Meeting - 31 May 2021 (31/05/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - Audit Committee Meeting - 31 May 2021 (31/05/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Roadwise Committee Meeting - 31 March 2021 (31/05/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Roadwise Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 8 June 2021 (08/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 8 June 2021 (08/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 8 June 2021 (08/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee - 16 June 2021 (16/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee Meeting - 17 June 2021 (17/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee Meeting - 17 June 2021 (17/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 8 June 2021 (21/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 16 June 2021 (21/06/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Budget 2021-22 (24/06/2021) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Schedule of Fees and Charges 2021-22 (24/06/2021) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 (24/06/2021) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 (24/06/2021) Council > Strategic
Contractor Occupational Safety and Health Pre-qualification Questionnaire (04/08/2021) General
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting -17 August 2021 (17/08/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 17 August 2021 (17/08/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 14 September 2021 (14/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Management Committee - 14 September 2021 (14/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 14 September 2021 (14/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
MINUTES - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 14 September 2021 (14/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee - 14 September 2021 (14/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > HMAS Sydney II Memorial Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - Round 25 - 15 September 2021 (15/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - 2021-22 Community Grants Committee - 15 September 2021 (15/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 15 September 2021 (15/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 15 September 2021 (15/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 16 September 2021 (16/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 16 September 2021 (16/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee Meeting - 23 September 2021 (23/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee - 23 September 2021 (23/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee - 23 September 2021 (23/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee - 23 September 2021 (23/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 28 September 2021 (28/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 28 September 2021 (28/09/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
Related Party Notification Form (04/10/2021) Council > Reference
Related Party Transactions Declaration Form (04/10/2021) Council > Reference
Local Structure Plan Submission Form (20/10/2021) Planning > Submission and Consultation Forms
TP01 - Application for Development Approval 24/25 (21/10/2021) Planning > Applications
Front Fence Truncation Examples (21/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Front Fence Sample Plan (21/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Industrial Sample Plan (21/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Retaining Wall Sample Plan (21/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Town Planning Fees and Charges 24/25 (21/10/2021) Planning > Fees & Charges
Agriculture Intensive Application Checklist (21/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
BS05 - Application for Approval to Install Battery Powered Smoke Alarm (21/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
BS03 - Application for a Hoarding, Deposit Materials on or Excavate Near a Street (21/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
BS18 - Application to Locate a Park House or Rigid Annexe on a Caravan Park Site (21/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
BS07 - Decking Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS08 - Patio, Carport Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS09 - Pergola, Shade Sail Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS14 - Swimming Pool and Spa Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS10 - Residential Dwelling or Dwelling Addition Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS11 - Residential Fence Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS12 - Retaining Wall Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
BS13 - Shed and Outbuilding Information and Checklist (21/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
Commercial Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
General Industry Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Light Industry Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Mixed Use Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Regional Centre Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Residential Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Right of Way and Pedestrian Accessway Closure Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Rural Residential Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Rural Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Service Commercial Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Tourism Zone Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Stocking Rates Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Zoning Table (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Car Parking Design Information Sheet (22/10/2021) Planning > Information Sheets
Commercial and Industrial Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
Signage Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
Outbuildings Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
New Dwellings and Additions Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
Retaining Wall Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
Change of Use Application Checklist (22/10/2021) Planning > Checklists
Cape Burney - Gaskin Drive (Lots 219-224) (25/10/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
City Centre LPP (25/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Pro Forma Statement on Planning (25/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
Pro Forma Statement on Work Affecting other Land (25/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
Pro Forma Statement on Work Affecting other Land (25/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
Pro Forma Statement on Planning (25/10/2021) Building > Application Forms and Guides
BS16 - Swimming Pool Information Sheet (25/10/2021) Building > Information Sheets
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 3 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Amendment 13 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Government Gazette - Local Planning Scheme No.1 - December 2015 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 1 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 2 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 4 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 5 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 6 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 7 (Amendment No.8) (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 8 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 9 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 10 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 11 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 12 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 13 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 14 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 15 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 17 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 16 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 18 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 19 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 20 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 21 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map 22 (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Map Index (28/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
Activating Thoroughfares in the City Centre LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Bed and Breakfast LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Caravans for Temporary Accommodation LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Commercial Tourism Activity on Crown Land LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Compliance and Enforcement of Planning Laws LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Consultation for Town Planning Proposals LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Consultation for Town Planning Proposals LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Design Guidelines - Beresford Beachfront Mixed Use LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Design Guidelines - Geraldton Airport Technology Park LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Design Guidelines - Marine Terrace Foreshore Precinct Mixed Use (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Design Guidelines - Mount Scott (Brede Street) LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Development Approvals LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Display Homes and Sales Offices LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Dividing Fences LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Extractive Industry LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Fast Food Outlets LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton - From a Local to Global Regional City LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton Airport Special Control Area LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton City Centre Revitalisation Plan LPP(3) (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton Health Education and Training Precinct Conceptual Master Plan (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton North-South Transport Corridor LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Geraldton-Beachlands Heritage Area LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Heritage Conservation and Development LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Holiday Houses LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Home Based Business (Including Industry - Cottage) LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Industrial Development LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
International Charter for Walking LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Low Impact Rural Tourism LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Mobile and Itinerant Vendors LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Non-Residential Development in the Residential Zone LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Parking of Commercial Vehicles~nd Rural Residential Areas LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Parklet LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Precinct Plan - Rangeway Utaka~arloo LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Precinct Plan - Spalding LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Precinct Plan - Sunset Beach LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Ancillary Dwellings LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Outbuildings LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Retaining Walls LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Setback Variations LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Stormwater Management LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
R-Codes - Vehicular Access LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Repurposed Dwellings LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Revegetation in the Rural Residential Zone LPP v3 (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Shipping Containers LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Signage LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Single House and Ancillary Structures Assessments LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Telecommunications Infrastructure LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Towards Sustainable Residential Development LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Travel Plans LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Tree Farms LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Verita Road Contributions LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Workforce Accommodation LPP (29/10/2021) Planning > Local Planning Policies
Lot 18 (No. 413) Red Emperor Drive - South Greenough (29/10/2021) Planning > Bush Fire Management Plans
Mount Hill - Lot 25 (No. 30) Roe Close (29/10/2021) Planning > Bush Fire Management Plans
Beresford Flour Mill Estate LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Wandina Old Acres Court LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Drummond Cove - Boat Cove & Wavecrest Circle LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Drummond Cove - Stillwater Avenue LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Geraldton - Batavia Coast Marina Residential Precinct LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Geraldton - Hill Way (Lots 7 - 10) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Glenfield Beach LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Lot 20 (No. 453) Alexander Drive LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Lot 123 (No. 285) Alexander Drive LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Lot 127 (No. 345) Alexander Drive LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Lot 52 (No. 1038) Chapman Road LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Glenfield - Lots 401-406 (No. 431-451) Alexander Drive (Cnr Macedonia Drive) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Moresby - Carnalea & Hill Creek Roads LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Moresby - Geraldton Heights R5 lots LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Mt Hill - Roe Close (Lot 27) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Mount Tarcoola - Brand Highway (Lots 219 & 220) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Narngulu - Galleon Drive (Lot 61) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Narngulu - Galleon Drive (Lot 76) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Utakarra - Lynch Way & Rohnan Road LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Albert Road (Lot 2 - No. 65) (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Arnold Road (Lots 81 & 82) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Arnold Road (Lots 83 & 84) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Beattie Road (Lot 3 - No. 206) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Bore Road (Lot 52 - No. 86) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Chapman Valley Road (Lot 3 - No. 277) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Cooper Street Crn David Road (Lot 111 - No. 157) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Cooper Street (Lot 78 - No. 216) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road North (Lot 10 - No. 297) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road North (Lot 16 - No. 298) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lot 19 - No. 264) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lot 29 - No. 423) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lot 31 - No. 449) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lot 5 - No. 233) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lot 67 - No. 143) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lots 152 & 153) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road (Lots 44 & 45) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hackett Road & Stephen Street (Lots 100 & 101) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Half Moon Drive (Lot 442) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hall Road & Cooper Street (Lots 50 51 & 52) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hall Road (Lot 148 - No. 396) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hall Road (Lot 9 - No. 401) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hall Road (Lot 96 - No. 183) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Stephen Road (Lot 37 - No. 34) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 42 - No. 118) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 43 - No. 148) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 45 - No. 59) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 50 - No. 237) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 57 - No. 282) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 63 - No. 316) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lots 102 103 & 104) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Tramway Road (Lot 23 - No.23) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Tramway Road (Lot 23) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Wandina - Old Acres Court LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Wandina - Portacello Circle LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Deepdale - Deepdale Estate R2.5 lots LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Moresby - Stuart Road (Lot 53) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Tarcoola Beach - Glendinning Road LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Bore Road (Lot 1 - No. 78) (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Sutcliffe Road (Lot 56) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road & Constantine Road (Lot 30 - No. 19) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Tramway Road (Lot 155) (Moresby Heights) (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - Hall Road (Lot 73 - No. 164) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Wandina - Eurithmic Link (Lots 77 - 113) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Wandina - Beacon Rise (Lots 510 - 514) LDP (01/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
Greenough - African Reef Boulevard - (Lot 2) (02/11/2021) Planning > Local Development Plans
City_Centre_Car_Parking_Management_Plan (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
City_Centre_Transport_Planning___Car_Parking_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Commercial_Activity_Centres_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Central_Regions_Land_Supply_Analysis_-_City_of_Greater_Geraldton_ (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_Accommodation_Study (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_City_Centre_Vibrancy_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton-Greenough_Coastal_Strategy and Foreshore_Management_Plan (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_Region_Centre_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_Region_Plan (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton-Greenough_Tourism_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Greater_Geraldton_Structure_Plan (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Identification of High_Quality_Agricultural_Land in the Mid_West_Region (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_Local_Biodiversity_Strategy 2013 (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Geraldton_Local_Biodiversity_Strategy__Appendix_A_B_ (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Local_Planning_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Midwest_Infrastructure_Analysis (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Moresby_Range_Management_Plan (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Moresby_Range_Management_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Narngulu_Industrial_Area_Strategic_Land_Use_Directions (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Public_Open_Space_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Residential_Development_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
South_Greenough_to_Cape_Burney_Coastal_Planning_Strategy (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Waggrakine_Sewer_Infrastructure_Planning__Report_ (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Waggrakine_Sewer_Infrastructure_Planning__Appendix_A-G_ (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
Waggrakine_Sewer_Infrastructure_Planning__Appendix_H-K_ (10/11/2021) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
BS15 - Unauthorised Building Works Information and Checklist (12/11/2021) Building > Information Sheets
Agenda - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 6 December 2021 (06/12/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 6 December 2021 (06/12/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2020-2021 (22/12/2021) Council > Strategic
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 23 December 2021 (23/12/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting- 23 December 2021 (23/12/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 23 December 2021 (23/12/2021) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 27 January 2022 (27/01/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 27 January 2022 (27/01/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 27 January 2022 (27/01/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting - 27 January 2022 (27/01/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting - 27 January 2022 (27/01/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors Advisory Committee Meeting - 16 February 2022 (16/02/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 16 February 2022 (16/02/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee Meeting - 22 February 2022 (22/02/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 22 February 2022 (22/02/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 10 March 2022 (10/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 10 March 2022 (10/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 16 March 2022 (16/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 16 March 2022 (16/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 17 March 2022 (17/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advsiory Committee - 17 March 2022 (17/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee - 24 March 2022 (24/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee - 24 March 2022 (24/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee - 24 March 2022 (24/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 24 March 2022 (24/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
Local Planning Scheme No.1 (28/03/2022) Planning > Strategic Planning Documents
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 29 March 2022 (29/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 29 March 2022 (29/03/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 19 April 2022 (19/04/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 19 April 2022 (19/04/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 18 May 2022 (18/05/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 18 May 2022 (18/05/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
City of Greater Geraldton 2031 Community Strategic Plan Snapshot (23/05/2022) Council > Strategic
Adjoining Landowners Consultation Form (08/06/2022) Planning > Submission and Consultation Forms
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 9 June 2022 (09/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 9 June 2022 (09/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 15 June 2022 (15/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 15 June 2022 (15/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 16 June 2022 (16/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 16 June 2022 (16/06/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
Annual Budget 2022-23 (27/06/2022) Council
Fees and charges schedule 2022-23 (27/06/2022) Council
Capital Program Report 2022-23 (27/06/2022) Council
Long term financial plan 2022-23 (27/06/2022) Council
Long term financial plan schedules 2022-23 (27/06/2022) Council
Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 | 2022/23 Addendum (27/06/2022) Council
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 - 2022-23 Addendum (29/06/2022) Council > Strategic
CORPORATE SERVICES - CGG Fees and Charges 2024/25 (30/06/2022) Current Fees and Charges
DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES - CGG Fees and Charges 2024/25 (30/06/2022) Current Fees and Charges
INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES - CGG Fees and Charges 2024/25 (30/06/2022) Current Fees and Charges
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 24 August 2022 (24/08/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 24 August 2022 (24/08/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 8 September 2022 (08/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 8 September 2022 (08/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 15 September 2022 (15/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 15 September 2022 (15/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - 2022-23 Community Grants Programs September 2022 - Community Grants Committee - 27 September 2022 (27/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - 2022-23 Community Grants Programs September 2022 - Community Grants Committee - 27 September 2022 (27/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 29 September 2022 (29/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 29 September 2022 (29/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 30 September 2022 (30/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 30 September 2022 (30/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 30 September 2022 (30/09/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 13 October 2022 (13/10/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 13 October 2022 (13/10/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 23 November 2022 (23/11/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 23 November 2022 (23/11/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 1 December 2022 (01/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 1 December 2022 (01/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 8 December 2022 (08/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 8 December 2022 (08/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 13 December 2022 (13/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 13 December 2022 (13/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 13 December 2022 (13/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 13 December 2022 (13/12/2022) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2021-2022 (21/12/2022) Council > Strategic
AGENDA - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 2 February 2023 (02/02/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 2 February 2023 (02/02/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 8 February 2023 (08/02/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 8 February 2023 (08/02/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
Waggrakine – Sutcliffe Road, Lots 300 (No. 133) & 301 (No. 129) (15/02/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine – Sutcliffe Road, Lot 55 (No. 271) (15/02/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
CS020 - Draft Council Policy 4.23 Election Signs (17/02/2023) Council > Council Meetings
RR46A - Delegated Determinations and Subdivision Applications for Planning Approval (17/02/2023) Council > Council Meetings
CS024 - Report - Corporate Business Plan - Second Quarter Report (17/02/2023) Council > Council Meetings
RR46c - CEO104 - Report WALGA State Council Agenda 1 March 2023 (17/02/2023) Council > Council Meetings
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 14 March 2023 (14/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 14 March 2023 (14/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 15 March 2023 (15/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 16 March 2023 (16/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 16 March 2023 (16/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 23 March 2023 (23/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 23 March 2023 (23/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 28 March 2023 (28/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 28 March 2023 (28/03/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
Lot 15 (No.379) Red Emperor Drive, South Greenough (29/03/2023) Planning > Bush Fire Management Plans
City of Greater Geraldton Caravan and Camper Trailer Support Strategy (29/03/2023) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Non-Self-Contained Motorised Camper Vehicle Strategy (29/03/2023) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Self-Contained Recreational Vehicle (RV) Support Strategy (04/04/2023) Council > Strategic
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 14 April 2023 (14/04/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 14 April 2023 (14/04/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
Rudds Gully - Lot 9 Verita Rd Structure Plan - (Map 1 Only - Modification 1) (21/04/2023) Planning > Structure Plans
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 26 April 2023 (26/04/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 26 April 2023 (26/04/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
Waggrakine - Hall Road (Lot 1) LDP (23/05/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 15 June 2023 (15/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 15 June 2023 (15/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 21 June 2023 (21/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 21 June 2023 (21/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
Fees and Charges Schedule 2023/24 (26/06/2023) Council
Capital Works Program 2023/24 (26/06/2023) Council > Current Budget
Long Term Financial Plan 2023/24 (26/06/2023) Council > Current Budget
Long Term Financial Plan Schedules 2023/24 (26/06/2023) Council > Current Budget
Addendum to Corporate Business Plan 2021/25 (26/06/2023) Council > Current Budget
Annual Budget 2023/24 (27/06/2023) Council > Current Budget
City of Greater Community Funding Programs - Guidelines (28/06/2023) General
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 29 June 2023 (29/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 29 June 2023 (29/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 29 June 2023 (29/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 29 June 2023 (29/06/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
Waggrakine - Lot 67 (Proposed Lot 122 & 123) David Road (05/07/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
Greenough - Lot 1 (No.1) African Reef Boulevard (05/07/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
Waggrakine - David Road, Lot 25 (Lot 369) (05/07/2023) Planning > Local Development Plans
AGENDA - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 1 August 2023 (01/08/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
MINUTES - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 1 August 2023 (Public) (01/08/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
AGENDA - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 29 August 2023 (29/08/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
MINUTES - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 29 August 2023 (29/08/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 14 September 2023 (14/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 19 September 2023 (19/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 19 September 2023 (19/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 21 September 2023 (21/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 21 September 2023 (21/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 28 September 2023 (28/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 28 September 2023 (28/09/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 4 October 2023 (04/10/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 4 October 2023 (04/10/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - City of Greate Geraldton Audit Committee - 12 December 2023 (12/12/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 12 December 2023 (12/12/2023) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
Local Planning Scheme No.1 - Legend (15/01/2024) Planning > Local Planning Schemes
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 23 January 2024 (23/01/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 23 January 2024 (23/01/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
City of Greater Geraldton Annual Report 2022-2023 (31/01/2024) Council > Strategic
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 20 February 2024 (20/02/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 20 February 2024 (20/02/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 27 February 2024 (27/02/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 27 February 2024 (27/02/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 5 March 2024 (05/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Queen Elizabeth II Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee - 5 March 2024 (05/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > QEII Seniors and Community Centre Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 11 March 2024 (11/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 11 March 2024 (11/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 26 March 2024 [Public] (26/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
MINUTES - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 26 March 2024 (26/03/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
COMMUNITY AND CULTURE - CGG Fees and Charges 2024/25 (26/03/2024) Current Fees and Charges
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 3 April 2024 (03/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee - 3 April 2024 (03/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Community Grants Committee
AGENDA - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 4 April 2024 (04/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Mullewa Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 4 April 2024 (04/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Mullewa Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 5 April 2024 (05/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Greenough Bush Fire Advisory Committee - 5 April 2024 (05/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greenough Bushfire Advisory Committee
AGENDA - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 23 April 2024 (23/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
MINUTES - City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee - 23 April 2024 (23/04/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > City of Greater Geraldton Audit Committee
AGENDA - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 27 May 2024 [Public] (27/05/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
MINUTES - Behaviour Complaints Committee - 27 May 2024 [Public] (27/05/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Behaviour Complaints Committee
Moresby - Lot 345 & 346 Trant & Webber Road (31/05/2024) Planning > Local Development Plans
Volume 7 - City of Greater Geraldton Committee Book - November 2023-October 2025 (04/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents
AGENDA - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 4 June 2024 (04/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
MINUTES - Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee - 4 June 2024 (04/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Greater Geraldton Crime Prevention Committee
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 6 June 2024 (06/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Heritage Advisory Committee - 6 June 2024 (06/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee
Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2024-2029 (06/06/2024) Council > Strategic
Youth Strategy 2024 - 2029 (06/06/2024) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029 (06/06/2024) Council > Strategic
Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026 (06/06/2024) Council > Strategic
AGENDA - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 10 June 2024 (10/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
MINUTES - Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee - 10 June 2024 (10/06/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Geraldton Regional Art Advisory Committee
Annual Budget 2024-25 (25/06/2024) Council > Current Budget
Fees and Charges Schedule 2024-25 (25/06/2024) Council > Current Budget
Capital Works Program 2024-25 (25/06/2024) Council > Current Budget
Addendum to Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 (25/06/2024) Council > Current Budget
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2024-2025 - 2024-25 Addendum (27/06/2024) Council > Strategic
City of Greater Geraldton Corporate Business Plan 2021-2025 - 2023-24 Addendum (27/06/2024) Council > Strategic
Building Department Fees and Charges 2024 - 2025 (01/07/2024) Building > Building Fees and Charges
AGENDA - Heritage Advisory Committee - 25 July 2024 (25/07/2024) Committee Meeting Documents > Heritage Advisory Committee