Chapman Road Activation Trial Stage Two
An extension of the Chapman Road Activation Pilot Project trialing further temporary changes to the street between Cathedral Avenue and Durlacher Street was approved by Council in November 2022. Works to implement the Stage Two design were completed in April 2023. Read more here
Now that the new design has been implemented, the City is monitoring pedestrian, cyclist and traffic movements to determine if similar or better results than the pilot project can be achieved.
At the end of the second trial an evaluation will be undertaken which will inform Council decision making regarding permanent changes to this section of Chapman Road.
Project newsletter here
Images: Pilot Project activation featured an interactive Critter trail by local artists.
What's being further trialed?
Stage Two of the Chapman Road Activation Trial was informed by community feedback and the concept design reflects the revised road layout proposed in the Geraldton City Centre Revitalisation Plan.
What was changed?
- The two snaked traffic lanes were straightened.
- Designated on-street parking was created.
- Adjustments to the merging and demerging sections of the street were made.
What has remained the same?
- Testing of one lane of traffic in each direction.
- Retention of the 30km/h speed limit.
- 19 trees in colourful planter boxes.
- Artworks by local artists on buildings and windows.
- Interactive Critter Art Trail.
Main Roads Western Australia has reviewed and approved the final Stage 2 design.
Stage Two Concept Design

Pilot Project - Stage One Outcomes
Although the Pilot Project had successfully achieved most of its objectives which were to test a reduction of the street width, reduce the traffic speed and make the area a more inviting place for people and not just cars, some aspects of the temporary changes to the street were unpopular with the community.
What worked
What was unpopular
- The reduction of the road width to one lane each way as this section of Chapman Road does not meet the minimum road width requirement for it to be four lanes wide.
- Snaked traffic lanes to slow traffic down as requested by Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA).
- A reduction in traffic speed to 30km/h.
- Merging of two traffic lanes to one in front of the Art Gallery as it caused some peak hour congestion. A right turn-only lane heading south on Chapman Road onto Durlacher Street was planned for this intersection but MRWA approval was not possible with the available budget and time frame.
More on the Pilot Project - Stage One here
Images: The Pilot Project activation featured planter boxes, artworks and bench seating.