Natural Resources Management

Over the past 150 years the Greater Geraldton landscape has been modified by European agriculture to the point that there is less than 15% of pre-European vegetation remaining. The most significant remaining areas are in the Chapman and Greenough River catchments that are important areas of wildlife habitat. The Moresby ranges are also an important landform and natural resource of the region and are under consideration for management for conservation and community recreation.

The marine environment contains a valuable natural resource and biodiversity for the region. Although the marine areas are under the jurisdiction of Department of Fisheries and Department of Transport the City has an active interest in the future of these areas and also responsible for monitoring the marine life associated with the dive wreck The South Tomi located 3km off the Geraldton coast.

What is Natural Resource Management?

Australia's natural resources are under grave threat from climate change, water scarcity, pollution, the legacy of past land management change such as inappropriate land clearing, feral animals, weeds, and unsustainable farming practices and inappropriate development, particularly in coastal and peri-urban areas.

The City is an active participant in the regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities and people in local government are well positioned to promote NRM integration through providing local expertise and facilitating on-ground actions. Local government is also a significant land manager in its own right and manage its lands within an NRM framework. Local planning laws are integral to sustainable NRM.

Regional Natural Resource Management Strategy NARvis for the Northern Agricultural Region developed by the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council.

City of Greater Geraldton NARvis profile

Conservation Reserves

Conservation reserves are areas of Crown land set aside for the protection and conservation of biodiversity and/or natural or cultural heritage values. There are three main types of conservation reserve in WA – nature reserves, national parks, and conservation parks.

Nature reserves are established for wildlife and landscape conservation, scientific study and preservation of features of archaeological, historic or scientific interest. Recreation that does not harm natural ecosystems is allowed, but other activities are usually not permitted.

National parks are also established for wildlife and landscape conservation, scientific study, preservation of features of archaeological, historic or scientific interest, but are also able to be used for enjoyment by the public. They have national or international significance for scenic, biological or cultural values.

Conservation parks have the same purpose as national parks but do not have the same national or international significance (though they have significant local or regional value for conservation and recreation). Land is usually reserved as a conservation reserve rather than nature reserve or national park when there is a potential competing land use.

There are 65 Conservation Reserves in the Midwest Region managed by the City of Greater Geraldton.

Cats and Wildlife

As pets, cats are wonderful companion animals with a range of health benefits for their owners. As predators, cats are very efficient hunters of native wildlife, altering the natural balance in an environment that did not include cats.

Find out more about Cats and Wildlife and how you can protect both here

Carts are considered a candidate for declaration as a pest under the BAM Act because their impact does not significantly threaten agricultural production in Western Australia.