Make an appointment with a City Planner
You can make an appointment to meet with one of the City planner's, either in person at the City’s Civic Centre at 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton or via video call (MS Teams) or over the phone by completing the booking form below.
Help us to prepare for our time together by providing the following information when you make your appointment:
• Name of everyone attending the appointment
• Address of land relating to the enquiry
• Contact information
• Your relationship with the land, e.g. owner, purchaser, tenant
• Whether the enquiry is about a current development application / If it is, what is the application number?
• Description of the enquiry
• Whether you have already spoken to a Council planner about this matter / If so, who?
• Whether you have received any correspondence from Council about this matter / If so, what is the reference number?
• Copies of plans or other relevant documents
• Any other information you think might be relevant